Pakistan Reaffirms Commitment to SCO Charter, Urges Multipolar World

Tue May 21 2024
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ASTANA: Pakistan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Senator Ishaq Dar addressed the SCO Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) on Tuesday, reaffirming Pakistan’s firm commitment to the SCO Charter and the “Shanghai Spirit,” emphasizing mutual trust and respect for shared prosperity.
The deputy prime minister cautioned against bloc-based or confrontational geopolitics, advocating instead for a multipolar world rooted in multilateralism.
Ishaq Dar explained Pakistan’s priorities as the current Chair of the SCO Council of Heads of Government (CHG), focusing on promoting connectivity, transport links, youth empowerment, poverty alleviation, and practical cooperation among SCO member states.
Emphasizing the importance of upholding international law and the UN Charter, Senator Dar stressed the people’s right to self-determination and the peaceful resolution of longstanding disputes in line with relevant UN Security Council resolutions. He underscored the collective need to combat terrorism by addressing its root causes, rejecting the exploitation of terrorism for political gain.
Senator Dar strongly condemned the brutal Israeli attacks in Gaza, which claimed the lives of over 35,000 innocent civilians, mostly women and children. He reiterated Pakistan’s call for an immediate ceasefire and unhindered humanitarian assistance, emphasizing the importance of achieving a two-state solution for lasting peace and stability.
Regarding the situation in Afghanistan, he urged meaningful engagement with the Interim Afghan Government (IAG) for genuine economic and development needs, while urging the IAG to prevent the use of Afghan soil for terrorism against any country.
Highlighting Pakistan’s geostrategic importance as a trade and transit hub for the SCO region, Senator Dar underscored the significance of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor for regional connectivity and economic integration.
Addressing climate change, Senator Dar called for collective action to address the challenge, citing Pakistan’s disproportionate suffering from climate change-induced disasters. He emphasized the need for capacity building in developing countries to mitigate the impact of climate change and safeguard global security.
Senator Dar reiterated Pakistan’s full support for the reform process within the SCO, advocating for enhanced monitoring and implementation capacity in both security and economic domains.
He began his remarks by offering condolences for the passing of Iranian President Dr. Ebrahim Raisi and paid tribute to their contributions to regional cooperation and strengthening Pak-Iran relationships.

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