Pakistan Reports Seven Corona Cases in Last 24 Hours

Wed May 17 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s health officials announced that seven new Coronavirus cases had been recorded across the country in the last 24 hours on Wednesday.

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) data, the case-positively ratio was 0.25 percent, with seven patients in serious condition. In the last 24 hours, no deaths were recorded from the Coronavirus, despite the fact that 2,820 Covid-19 tests were carried out.

Meanwhile, Abdul Qadir Patel, Minister for National Health Services, Regulations, and Coordination, said the government had strengthened the role of the Border and Health Services of Pakistan in dealing with any sub-variant of Covid-19.

Covid Monitoring in Pakistan

As per the minister, every point of entry, including airports in the country, is monitored. All airports would conduct fast tests and passenger screening, he added.

He went on to say that 90 percent of the country’s population had previously received the Covid-19 vaccine. “An efficient system with a proper management team is fully functional in the country to remain vigilant and is ready to make an emergency plan to deal with any sub-variant of Covid-19,” the minister continued.

He said that the Border and Health Services Pakistan was ensuring that international health regulations were followed. He added that in the case of an emergency, the health system was fully prepared to deal with any sub-variant of the Omicron type of Covid-19, including BF.7. in the country.

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