Pakistan-Saudi Arabia Vow to Provide Highest Standards of Services to Pilgrims

Fri May 26 2023
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ISLAMABAD:  Pakistan’s Minister for Religious Affairs Senator Talha Mehmood accompanying with Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan Nawaf bin Said Al-Malki Friday held a vital meeting with Aviation Minister Khawaja Saad Rafiq in an important development aimed at enhancing the pilgrimage experience for Pakistani citizens.

The meeting focused on providing well facilities to Hajj pilgrims during air travel and referring on the challenges faced during the next Hajj Operation 2023.

The meeting also marked a cooperative effort between Islamabad and Riyadh to ensure a smooth and easy pilgrimage for Pakistanis traveling to Makkah and Madinah. Talha Mehmood, expressing his appreciation to the Saudi envoy, highlighted the significance of improving services for the Hajj pilgrims.

He admitted the challenges faced by the Hajj pilgrims during the spiritual journey and stressed the need to find actual solutions to address these challenges

During the meeting, various features of the Hajj Operation 2023 were examined, with a specific focus on air journey arrangements.  The Minister for Aviation shared valuable insights on the current facilities available for Hajj pilgrims and suggested enhancements to improve their travel experience.

Saudi envoy Nawaf bin Said Al-Malki lauded Pakistan’s efforts to facilitate Hajj pilgrims to the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah and assured his complete support in making the all necessary arrangements.

He highlighted the long-standing friendship and cooperation between the two nations, emphasizing the pledge to providing the best possible facilities to Pakistani pilgrims.

They also discussed ways to further enhance communication channels between the relevant officials of the two nations to swiftly address challenges.

The meeting concluded with a commitment to work closely together to execute the proposed improvements efficiently.

The collaborative efforts of Saudi Arabia and Pakistan reflect their commitment to providing the highest standards of services to pilgrims undertaking the holy journey of Hajj.

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