Pakistan Seeks US Focus on South Asia and Kashmir Under New Administration

Tue Jul 30 2024
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WASHINGTON, USA: As the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches, Pakistan anticipates that the next President of the United States will focus on fostering peace and stability in South Asia. Former Pakistani Ambassador to the U.S., Masood Khan, emphasized the need for U.S. intervention in resolving the long-standing Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan.

In a recent statement, Khan expressed hope that both the Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, and the Republican candidate, former President Donald Trump, will prioritize the issue.

Khan highlighted Harris’s 2019 comments, made while she was a senator, expressing concern over India’s revocation of Kashmir’s special status. Although Harris has been less vocal on the issue since becoming Vice President, her previous remarks are remembered positively in Pakistan. The country hopes the U.S. administration, regardless of who is elected, will advocate for Kashmiris’ rights and work towards de-escalating the conflict.

In addition to Kashmir, Khan pointed out the ongoing instability in Afghanistan and its impact on Pakistan. He pointed at the U.S. for shifting focus away from South Asia after the withdrawal from Afghanistan, which he argues has exacerbated regional security issues. The rise of groups like ISIS-K and the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) underscores the urgent need for sustained international attention and diplomatic efforts.

Khan also remarked on the balanced diplomatic approach Pakistan maintains with both the U.S. and China, noting that neither country has pressured Pakistan to choose sides. He affirmed that Pakistan values its strategic relationships with both powers and seeks continued support for regional stability.

Meanwhile, India is confident that its robust strategic partnership with the U.S. will endure regardless of the election outcome. The Indian External Affairs Ministry highlighted the bipartisan support for the U.S.-India relationship and expressed optimism about further strengthening ties.

In summary, Pakistan is keenly watching the U.S. election, hoping that the incoming administration will address key regional issues and support peace initiatives in South Asia.

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