Pakistan Special Aide Raises Concerns Over India’s Demographic Manipulation in IIOJK

Mon Feb 05 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Prime Minister’s Special Assistant on Human Rights, Mushaal Hussein Mullick, has urged the international community to break their silence and take proactive measures to halt the ongoing genocide of Kashmiris committed by the Modi-led Indian government in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

She made these remarks during a poster exhibition organized by the National College of Arts (NCA) on Kashmir Solidarity Day. 

The NCA’s exhibition served as a potent platform for raising awareness about the Kashmir issue, with Mushaal highlighting the profound impact of art in evoking empathy and understanding and generating awareness about the just struggle of the people of IIOJK. She praised the remarkable artistic talent showcased within the National College of Arts.

Expressing deep concern over the Indian Judiciary aligning itself with the RSS ideology and the fascist policies of the Modi government, Mushaal strongly criticized the recent Indian Supreme Court verdict regarding the revocation of Kashmir’s special status. 

She described the biased judicial proceedings against Kashmiri political leadership as judicial terrorism, accusing Modi’s government of conspiring to impose a death sentence on Yasin Malik under false charges for electoral gain.

Pakistan, Prime Minister special assistant, Human Rights, Mushaal Hussein Mullick, genocide of Kashmiris, IIOJK,

Information Blockade in IIOJK

Mushaal lamented the information and communication blockade imposed by India in the illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, highlighting the challenge of obtaining accurate and unbiased information about the ground realities. 

She raised serious concerns about India’s manipulation of the demographic landscape in Kashmir, emphasizing that the issuance of 5 million Kashmiri domiciles to non-Kashmiris aimed at influencing any future plebiscite in IIOJK, as outlined in the UN resolutions.

Highlighting the expansion of the Indian terror network across continents, Mushaal termed it a threat to global peace. She pointed out the involvement of RSS terrorists in targeted killings in several countries, including the United States, Canada, and Australia.

Commending the National College of Arts for organizing the poster exhibition on Kashmir Solidarity Day, Mushaal said that the initiative served as a powerful platform to shed light on the widespread atrocities and human rights violations perpetrated by the Indian occupation forces in the IIOJK.

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