Pakistan Stock Exchange Stays Bearish, Losses 356 Points on Thursday

Thu Jun 06 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The 100-index of the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) on Thursday witnessed a bearish trend, losing 356.51 points, a negative change of 0.48%, closing at 73,862.93 points against 74,219.44 points the previous day.

A total of 352,738,992 shares valuing 12.312 billion rupees were traded during the day as compared to 348,549,582 shares valuing 16.389 billion rupees the previous day.

As many as 450 companies transacted their shares in the stock market; 134 of them registered gains and 249 sustained losses, whereas the share price of sixty-seven companies remained unchanged.

Top Three Companies in Pakistan Stock Exchange

The top 3 trading companies were WorldCall Telecom with 17,606,340 shares at 1.31 rupees per share, Kohinoor Spinning with 14,855,744 shares at 4.43 rupees per share and Dewan Motors with 13,692,244 shares at 39.44 rupees per share.

Hallmark Company Limited witnessed a maximum increase of 14.98 rupees per share price, closing at 435.12 rupees whereas the runner-up was Sapphire Textile Mills Limited with a 13.26 rupees rise in its per share price to 1,292.72 rupees.

Sazgar Engineering Work Limited registered a maximum decrease of 52.72 rupees per share closing at 787.49 rupees, followed by Services Industries Limited with a 45.50 rupees decline to close at 929.74 rupees.


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