Pakistan Strongly Rejects US Biased “Country of Particular Concern” Tag

Mon Jan 08 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has strongly rejected the US State Department’s classification of it as a “Country of Particular Concern,” denouncing the move as a “biased and arbitrary assessment.”

“We categorically reject Pakistan’s designation as ‘a Country of Particular Concern’ by the US State Department. We are deeply dismayed that the designation is based on biased and arbitrary assessment, detached from ground realities,” said the Foreign Office (FO) spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch in a statement.

Baloch highlighted Pakistan’s pluralistic nature and its rich tradition of interfaith harmony, highlighting that the country has implemented various measures to promote religious freedom and protect minority rights in line with its Constitution.

Expressing concern, Baloch pointed out, “We note with deep concern that India, the biggest and serial violator of religious freedom, has once again been excluded from the US State Department’s designation list.” She questioned the credibility, transparency, and objectivity of the entire process, given the omission despite recommendations by the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) and concerns raised by international human rights constituencies.

The spokesperson argued that such unilateral and subjective exercises were counterproductive and undermined the shared objective of advancing religious freedom globally. Pakistan urged constructive engagement and collective efforts based on mutual understanding and respect to address religious intolerance, xenophobia, and Islamophobia.

Baloch reiterated, “Pakistan has bilaterally engaged the United States, and our concerns about the designation are being conveyed to the US side.” The nation believes that countering contemporary challenges requires a collaborative approach focused on mutual understanding and respect.

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