Pakistan, UK Business Bodies Agree to Boost Trade Cooperation

Wed Jun 26 2024
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PARIS: The Pakistan Business Forum France and the International Business and Professional Corporation of the United Kingdom signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Wednesday aimed at enhancing cooperation in commerce and trade.

The signing ceremony of the MoU was attended by Pakistan’s Ambassador to France, Asim Iftikhar Ahmed, who emphasized its goal to promote Pakistani products in France.

During discussions on business prospects in Pakistan, participants commended the Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) for its dedicated efforts to facilitate overseas business communities through an enabling environment for investment and growth.

Highlighting the opportunities available through SIFC, it was noted that a delegation of prominent French businessmen of Pakistani origin plans to visit Pakistan soon.

Their visit aims to explore investment opportunities and enhance Pakistan’s exports to Europe under SIFC’s streamlined facilitation process.

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