Pakistan, UK to Boost People-to-People Cultural Exchange Bonds: Jamal Shah

Fri Oct 06 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Federal Minister for National Heritage and Culture Jamal Shah has said that Pakistan wanted to enhance People-to-People Cultural Exchange ties with its friendly partner United Kingdom, to enhance cultural connectivity between the two countries.

The Minister said this while having a meeting with the Member of British Parliament (MP) Afzal Khan here on Friday, who was called on the Minister. Both the dignitaries discussed issues of mutual interest, particularly cultural relations between Pakistan and the United Kingdom.

During the meeting, the Minister highlighted the potential for collaboration in various artistic fields to further strengthen the robust people-to-people bonds between the two friendly countries.

Jamal Shah said that Art and Culture were the real faces and introduction to any nation, adding that great nations always honour, value, preserve, promote, and strengthen their art and culture.

He apprised the visiting British MP of initiatives being taken, including establishing the Islamabad Museum’s own building and National Heritage Channel for the promotion of regional folk literature and national heritage.

British, MP, Federal Minister, Jamal Shah, CPEC, Culture, Art

Jamal Shah on Second Phase of CPEC

The Caretaker Minister further said the second phase of the CPEC Cultural Caravan would be organized, and all the central Asian states would be specially invited to be part of it.

British MP Afzal Khan agreed to hunt the cause to boost cooperation in cultural exchanges and continue work on strengthening cultural ties.

He praised Pakistan’s archaeological sites, adding that civilizations are like rivers that are inter-connected.

Federal Secretary of National Heritage and Culture Humaira Ahmed and Adviser & Culture expert Muhammad Kashif Irshad were also present in the meeting.

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