UNITED NATIONS: In a statement to the UN General Assembly, Ambassador Munir Akram of Pakistan emphasized the need to prevent the weaponization of outer space, citing it as a critical step to safeguard international peace and security. Pakistan reiterated its stance that resolutions on global disarmament issues should be discussed within appropriate forums like the Conference on Disarmament and the UN General Assembly, stressing the importance of inclusive and transparent deliberations.
The recent veto by Russia in the Security Council against a draft resolution aimed at preventing an extraterrestrial arms race sparked debates in the Assembly. Despite the veto, Ambassador Akram underscored the significance of addressing the threats posed by the militarization of outer space, urging urgent negotiations on a legally binding instrument to prevent an arms race in outer space (PAROS). Pakistan advocated for a comprehensive approach focusing on both capabilities and behavior, emphasizing the need for legally binding measures alongside transparency and confidence-building measures (TCBMs).
While addressing concerns raised by other delegations, including Russia, Japan, the United States, and China, Ambassador Akram stressed the urgency of filling the evident gaps in the international legal regime. He expressed disappointment over the lack of progress on a Treaty to Prevent an Arms Race in Outer Space for over four decades and called for concerted efforts to address this pressing issue within the framework of the Conference on Disarmament.
In response to Russia’s veto, US Deputy Ambassador Robert Wood emphasized the importance of promoting accountability and transparency among all Security Council members. He reiterated the objectives of the draft resolution, which aimed to affirm the obligations of states under the Outer Space Treaty and mitigate the risk of a nuclear incident in space. Ambassador Wood criticized Russia’s proposed draft resolution, citing concerns about its true intentions and highlighting Russia’s actions that raise doubts about its commitment to existing legal obligations.
Chinese Ambassador Fu Cong echoed Pakistan’s concerns about the weaponization of outer space and stressed the need for preserving the peaceful character of outer space. While China did not support the draft resolution proposed by the US and Japan, it expressed support for Russia’s draft resolution, emphasizing its comprehensive and balanced approach.
The debate surrounding the weaponization of outer space underscores the critical importance of international cooperation and dialogue to address emerging security challenges in this domain.