Pakistan Urges UN to Hold Israel Accountable for Gaza War Crimes

Sat Dec 09 2023
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UNITED NATIONS: Pakistan has strongly condemned Israel’s indiscriminate attacks on Gaza, calling for accountability for war crimes committed by Israeli occupation forces in the besieged enclave.

Ambassador Muhammad Usman Iqbal Jadoon, acting permanent representative of Pakistan to the United Nations, delivered this message during a debate on “Humanitarian Assistance” at the UN General Assembly. 

In his address, Ambassador Jadoon denounced Israel’s use of force, stating that it goes beyond targeting civilians to include actions such as blockading essential humanitarian supplies and forcing displacement, constituting violations of international humanitarian law amounting to war crimes, crimes against humanity, and potentially genocide.

Simultaneously, thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters rallied near the UN Headquarters in New York City during a “Shut Down Wall Street” event. The demonstration occurred as the United States vetoed a UN Security Council resolution calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict.

The Pakistani envoy expressed grave concern over the killing and injuring of UN personnel, humanitarian workers, and healthcare workers by Israel, emphasizing the need for collective condemnation and accountability for Israeli occupation forces.

UNGA Resolution Calls for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution introduced by Belgium, stressing the necessity of a durable ceasefire agreement, improving living conditions for Palestinians in Gaza, and ensuring the safety of civilians on both sides. The resolution also highlighted the urgency of implementing relevant Security Council resolutions for a lasting solution in Gaza.

Ambassador Jadoon, addressing the general debate, emphasized the devastating impact of climate-change-induced disasters and urged political will to address root causes. He noted Pakistan’s disproportionate suffering from such disasters and highlighted the underfunding of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

The envoy called for zero tolerance for violations of international humanitarian law, urging the international community to address multidimensional poverty and demonstrate solidarity in resolving humanitarian crises. “The clock is ticking, and the time to act is now,” said Ambassador Jadoon.

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