Pakistan Welcomes UN’s Action on Gaza Crisis, Urges International Intervention

Fri Dec 08 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan expresses gratitude for the United Nations Secretary-General’s decision to invoke Article-99 of the UN Charter, bringing attention to the dire security situation and humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. The move underscores the Secretary-General’s conscientious assessment of the critical situation, prompting Pakistan to strongly condemn Israel’s continuous use of force in violation of international humanitarian law.

Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, in her weekly media briefing, highlights the Secretary-General’s letter to the UN Security Council, emphasizing the severe danger faced by civilians in Gaza. The situation’s rapid deterioration poses irreversible implications, demanding immediate international intervention to avert a humanitarian catastrophe and protect the people of Gaza from potential genocide.

Pakistan calls on the UN Security Council to fulfill its primary responsibility by imposing an immediate and unconditional ceasefire. The spokesperson urges Israel’s backers to press for an end to barbaric attacks and the inhuman siege on Gaza. Additionally, she advocates for an international conference to address the Palestinian question and emphasizes the need for a two-state solution for enduring peace.

In a separate note on Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan rejects the recent legislation passed by the Indian Parliament, considering it a farce to perpetuate India’s occupation. Emphasizing that Jammu and Kashmir is an internationally-recognized disputed territory, Mumtaz Zahra Baloch reiterates Pakistan’s rejection of any measures that sustain India’s occupation. Pakistan commits to extending political, diplomatic, and moral support to the Kashmiri people for a just and peaceful settlement in line with UN Security Council resolutions.

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