Pakistani Anchor Mona Khan Released from Detention in Greece

Sun May 26 2024
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ATHENS, Greece: Pakistani television anchor and marathon runner Mona Khan has been released from detention in Greece following swift intervention by the Pakistani Embassy. Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch reported that the embassy promptly hired a lawyer to represent Khan and facilitated consular access to ensure her well-being.

Mona Khan was detained by Greek police during a hiking trip for displaying a Pakistani flag, leading to allegations of mistreatment. During her detention, her mobile phone was confiscated, and she was separated from her son, who remained in Athens.

The embassy’s decisive actions included securing legal representation and engaging directly with Greek authorities. These efforts were instrumental in securing her release. Spokesperson Baloch confirmed, “The Pakistani Embassy hired a lawyer and ensured consular access to Mona Khan. Embassy officials visited her in jail to provide support and facilitate her release.”

The incident highlights the importance of diplomatic intervention in protecting citizens abroad and ensuring their rights are upheld, especially in cases involving allegations of mistreatment.

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