Pakistani Embassy in Ankara Marks ‘Youm-e-Istehsal’ with Photo Exhibit on Kashmir

Fri Aug 04 2023
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ANKARA: The Pakistani Embassy in Ankara organized a photo exhibition to commemorate the fourth anniversary of India’s decision to strip Indian-administered Kashmir of its special status. The event, named “Youm-e-Istehsal” or “Day of Exploitation,” aimed to condemn the move that led to the annexation of the disputed valley.

The photo exhibition, jointly organized by the Pakistani Embassy and Kecioren Municipality, attracted diplomatic staff, journalists, and local residents. It depicted the daily lives of the courageous people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and showcased their valiant struggle against Indian oppression. The exhibition also shed light on the atrocities faced by the people of IIOJK under the brutal occupation forces.

Abbas Sarwar Qureshi, the deputy head of Pakistan’s mission in Ankara, emphasized that no amount of subjugation, atrocities, or illegal actions could extinguish the flame of freedom and the right to self-determination of the Kashmiri people. He condemned India’s illegal actions in 2019, which violated UN Security Council resolutions and deprived Jammu and Kashmir of its special status, dividing it into smaller units.

Human Rights Violations in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir

Qureshi urged the international community to hold India accountable for its actions and called for an investigation by the UN Commission of Inquiry into the human rights violations in Kashmir. He expressed gratitude to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his principled stand on Jammu and Kashmir and for highlighting the issue at various forums.

Mayor Turgut Altinok also attended the event and highlighted the strong brotherly relations between Türkiye and Pakistan. He described Jammu and Kashmir as a bleeding wound, usurped by India, and expressed confidence that Kashmir would be part of Pakistan again within the framework of international laws. He reassured that justice would eventually be served, and Kashmiris would continue their struggle until they achieve freedom.

The disputed region of Kashmir has been a longstanding issue between India and Pakistan, with both countries claiming it in full but holding it in part. The situation further escalated in August 2019 when India revoked Article 370, which provided special status to the region, and imposed a lockdown, detaining thousands of people and enforcing communication blackout.

Kashmir, a Muslim-majority Himalayan region, has witnessed several conflicts between India and Pakistan since their partition in 1947. Some Kashmiri groups have been fighting for independence or unification with Pakistan.

The photo exhibition served as a platform to raise awareness about the plight of Kashmiris and the ongoing struggle for self-determination, emphasizing the need for international attention and support to address the situation in the region.


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