Pakistani Embassy in Iran, FIA Rescue Youths from Human Traffickers

Mon Mar 18 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The Pakistani Embassy in Iran, in collaboration with the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), successfully facilitated the safe return of three young Pakistanis who had been victimized by human traffickers in Iran.

Faisal, Nazir Hasnain, and Anwar, all from Lahore, were rescued from traffickers who had deceived them with promises of passage to Europe, only to subject them to harrowing experiences of torture and exploitation.

Their ordeal, marked by unimaginable suffering and threats of organ harvesting, finally ended as they were reunited with their families in Lahore.

According to the FIA, the victims were lured into Iran under false pretenses, with traffickers exploiting their aspirations for a better life abroad. The traffickers resorted to heinous tactics, including sending torture videos to extort large sums from the victims’ families, highlighting the extent of their cruelty.

“It was a nightmare,” shared one survivor, recalling the horrors endured during their captivity. “We were deceived, tortured, and constantly feared for our lives. But thanks to the unwavering efforts of the Pakistani Embassy and FIA, we have been rescued from this nightmare.”

The traffickers had planned a complex route from Iran to Turkey, then to Italy and Greece, disguising it as a migration opportunity. However, their plans were foiled as authorities intervened, thwarting the traffickers’ malicious intentions.

Key figures identified as Zaheer Abbas, Talha, and Sarwar, hailing from the Hafizabad area, are now facing imminent justice for their roles in the trafficking ring. These individuals exploited innocent individuals, trapping them in cycles of exploitation and suffering.

In response to this grave incident, the Ministry of Home Affairs has vowed decisive action against human trafficking networks within Pakistan’s borders. The FIA, with increased public cooperation, is conducting extensive operations to ensure swift justice for those responsible.


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