Pakistan’s Animal Cruelty Crisis: A Call for Urgent Action

Fri Jun 21 2024
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Sadaf Ibrar

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In recent months, Pakistan has witnessed a disturbing surge in animal cruelty cases, highlighting a pressing need for stronger legislation, enhanced enforcement, and increased public awareness. From donkeys mutilated in personal disputes to camels subjected to horrific amputation, these incidents paint a grim picture of animal welfare in the country.


Several recent cases have brought this issue into sharp focus. In Rawalpindi, a donkey’s ears were barbarically cut off due to a land dispute, using an innocent animal as a tool for human vengeance. Sanghar saw influential individuals amputate a camel’s legs, showcasing how power often trumps justice in animal cruelty cases. In Hyderabad, a man severed a donkey’s leg during a personal quarrel, leading to his arrest but raising questions about the adequacy of current laws.


These incidents are not isolated. A national news channel report revealed that such acts of cruelty are alarmingly widespread, indicating a systemic problem that demands immediate attention. Pakistan’s current animal protection laws are woefully inadequate and poorly enforced. The existing legal framework lacks teeth, with minimal penalties that fail to deter offenders. Law enforcement agencies often lack the training and resources to effectively handle animal cruelty cases, leading to a culture of impunity.

To address this, Pakistan needs to Implement comprehensive animal protection laws with severe penalties, establish specialized animal protection units within law enforcement, train police officers in handling animal cruelty cases and create dedicated courts or tribunals for animal rights cases.


Combating animal cruelty requires more than just legal reforms. There’s an urgent need to change societal attitudes towards animals. This can be achieved through educational campaigns in schools and communities, media engagement to highlight animal welfare issues, promotion of empathy and compassion towards animals from a young age.

Non-governmental organizations and animal rights activists play a crucial role in fighting animal cruelty. These groups often work with limited resources, rescuing abused animals and advocating for their rights. Supporting these organizations through donations, volunteering, and partnerships is vital for creating a more animal-friendly society.

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The private sector can contribute significantly by adopting animal-friendly policies and supporting welfare initiatives. Additionally, Pakistan can benefit from international collaboration, learning from countries with robust animal protection frameworks. Addressing Pakistan’s animal cruelty crisis requires a multi-faceted approach. Citizens must demand stronger laws and report cruelty incidents and lawmakers need to prioritize animal welfare legislation. Similarly, law enforcement agencies should treat animal cruelty cases seriously. Educational institutions must incorporate animal welfare into curricula. Media outlets should consistently report on and raise awareness about animal rights.


The recent spate of animal cruelty cases in Pakistan is a wake-up call. It’s time for the nation to recognize that the way we treat animals reflects our society’s values. By strengthening laws, raising awareness, and fostering a culture of compassion, Pakistan can work towards a future where all living beings are treated with dignity and respect. The path ahead is challenging, but with collective effort, creating a more humane society for both humans and animals is possible.

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