Pakistan’s Caretaker Foreign Minister Urges Global Action Against India’s Unlawful Actions in Kashmir

Sun Dec 17 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Jalil Abbas Jilani, Pakistan’s Caretaker Foreign Minister, has dispatched letters to key international entities, including the United Nations, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and the European Union (EU), bringing attention to the recent contentious judgment by the Supreme Court of India on Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Jilani vehemently contests the use of domestic legislation and judicial rulings to determine the final status of an internationally recognized disputed territory, emphasizing the illegality of India’s actions in IIOJK. He accuses India of attempting to alter the demographic structure and political landscape of the region since the controversial decision on August 5, 2019.

The foreign minister categorizes the recent Supreme Court judgment as a breach of international law and relevant UN Security Council resolutions, emphasizing that India’s endorsement of unlawful measures cannot override the provisions set by the UN Security Council.

Jilani appeals to the UN Security Council to ensure the full implementation of its resolutions on the Kashmir dispute, urging collective pressure on India to halt human rights violations in IIOJK. He underscores the need for India to reverse all its illegal and unilateral actions in the region.

The Kashmir dispute, a longstanding conflict between India and Pakistan, has been a focal point of international concern since the partition in 1947. Recognized as a disputed territory by the United Nations, Kashmir has witnessed decades of political tension and conflict.

Jilani’s invocation of international law emphasizes the necessity of determining the final status of a disputed territory through international mechanisms and in line with UN resolutions. The letters underscore the importance of preventing any attempts to unilaterally alter the status quo.

Beyond questioning India’s legitimacy in IIOJK, Jilani’s letters serve as a plea for accountability regarding the widespread human rights violations in the region. The call for global intervention aims to shed light on the suffering of the Kashmiri people, who have endured challenges such as curtailed autonomy, communication blackouts, and alleged suppression by Indian forces.

As tensions persist in the Kashmir region, Jilani’s letters underscore the importance of collective efforts by the international community to address the Kashmir dispute comprehensively. The emphasis on implementing UN resolutions seeks to provide a structured and lawful framework for resolving the conflict, ensuring the protection of the rights and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

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