Pakistan’s Minister Calls for Strengthening Cultural and Literary Ties with Sri Lanka

Tue Sep 12 2023
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Alam Zeb & Shahid Qureshi

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Caretaker Federal Minister for National Heritage and Culture, Jamal Shah, emphasized the need to enhance cultural and literary relations with Sri Lanka to fortify bilateral connections. His remarks came during a live performance by a Sri Lankan cultural troupe, featuring Chandana Wickrarmasighe and the Dancers’ Guild, held at the Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA).

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The cultural event was jointly organized by the National Heritage and Culture Division, PNCA, Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi, in collaboration with the Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Karachi. The occasion aimed to celebrate the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Present at the event were Mr. Augustine Christy Ruban, Charge De Affair, Mr. U. L. Niyas, Deputy Head of Mission of the Sri Lanka High Commission, Consul General of Sri Lanka in Karachi, Jagath Abeywarna, and Director General PNCA.

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Sri Lankan Dance Troupe Enthralls Audience

The Sri Lankan dance troupe captivated the audience with their performances, showcasing traditional, folk, creative, and modern dancing styles, earning enthusiastic applause from the packed auditorium at PNCA.

Federal Minister Jamal Shah expressed his satisfaction with the mesmerizing performance of the Sri Lankan artists during their live performance and commended their talents.

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He underscored that Pakistan and Sri Lanka share warm and cordial relations across various domains, firmly rooted in mutual trust. He also highlighted the cultural ties between the two countries, noting that Pakistan hosts ancient relics and architecture central to Buddhist heritage in Taxila.

The dance troupe led by Chandana Wickrarmasighe and the Dancers’ Guild entertained the audience with a captivating blend of traditional, folk, creative, and modern dance forms.

Consul General Jagath Abeywarna praised Chandana’s exceptional choreography, rhythm, style, and character, which have earned him numerous local and international awards. Chandana spoke about the Guild’s commitment to promoting traditional and fusion dance acts, bridging cultural heritage and contemporary music through expressive movements and vibrant rhythms.

The event showcased the rich cultural exchange between Pakistan and Sri Lanka, highlighting the significance of cultural diplomacy in fostering stronger bilateral ties.

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