Pakistan’s Nuclear Capability Guarantor for Regional Peace: Defence Minister

Thu May 30 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Minister of Defence, Khawaja Muhammad Asif on Thursday stated that Pakistan’s nuclear capability is a guarantor for peace in the region. He emphasized the role of nuclear capability in the establishment of full-spectrum deterrence and maintaining regional power balance, particularly against India.

The minister said this in a video statement at the South Asian Strategic Stability Institute (SASSI) University event in Islamabad to commemorate the 26th anniversary of Youm-e-Takbeer. The event was held to mark the Pakistan’s historic nuclear tests on May 28 and 30, 1998. The event, titled “Youm-e-Takbeer: 26 Years of Responsible Nuclear State,” was hosted by SASSI University in Islamabad.

The minister asserted that Pakistan’s nuclear capability remains a robust defensive measure, deterring aggression and safeguarding national sovereignty. In light of past aggressive actions such as those in Balakot, he reaffirmed Pakistan’s readiness to respond to any threats was a deterrence choice, underscoring that any act of war would have severe consequences for the aggressor.  He also paid tribute to the scientists, engineers and all those who have developed Pakistan’s nuclear program. While commenting on the pressures faced by Pakistan in the May 28th decision in 1998, Khawaja Asif paid tribute to former prime minister Nawaz Sharif for his momentous decision to go nuclear.

Pakistan, Nuclear, Youm-e-Takbeer, Chief of Army Staff, General Syed Asim Munir, Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Defence Minister

Chief of Army Staff, General Syed Asim Munir, in his written statement, extended congratulations to the nation and Armed Forces on the anniversary of Youm-e-Takbeer. He lauded the 1998 nuclear tests for establishing credible minimum deterrence and restoring regional power equilibrium. The Chief of Army Staff paid tribute to the scientists, engineers, and officials whose dedication and sacrifices were instrumental in achieving this milestone. He reaffirmed the Armed Forces’ unwavering commitment to defending Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity at all costs.

Pakistan, Nuclear, Youm-e-Takbeer, Chief of Army Staff, General Syed Asim Munir, Khawaja Muhammad Asif, Defence Minister

Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal, Dean of Social Sciences at Quaid-e-Azam University, highlighted the strategic importance of nuclear capabilities for nuclear-armed states and key regional actors. He called for a comprehensive review of global nuclear dynamics and regional challenges, advocating for the modernization of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal and doctrine, and the acceleration of the civilian nuclear energy program.

The event concluded with a documentary on May 28th 1998 and a vote of thanks to the heroes of Pakistan’s nuclear program. The event was attended by a large number of people from different walks of life including from the Media, Academia, Armed Forces, National Security and Diplomatic Corp.


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