Pakistan’s President Calls for Mainstreaming Visually Impaired Individuals

Tue Oct 31 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s President, Dr. Arif Alvi, on Monday stressed the society’s collective responsibility of mainstreaming visually impaired individuals by equipping them with vocational skills and specialized employment opportunities.

Speaking at an event commemorating White Cane Safety Day, President Alvi highlighted the importance of raising awareness within society about the needs of blind and visually impaired individuals, urging accommodation and support for their unique requirements.

The event held at Aiwan-e-Sadr was attended by Begum Samina Alvi, members of the diplomatic community, and visually impaired children. It aimed to increase awareness of the challenges faced by individuals with visual disabilities.

President Alvi called for the introduction of career education and vocational training for visually impaired students within the mainstream school system at the earliest possible stage. This approach, he suggested, would provide fellow students with the opportunity to interact with disabled individuals, promoting social inclusion and acceptance.

Furthermore, the president highlighted the importance of enhancing the accessibility of visually impaired individuals through assistive technology, such as personal digital assistants equipped with sensory cameras that describe objects aloud to aid navigation.

The white cane, he noted, serves as a vital tool for visually impaired persons to be recognized in public spaces, thereby facilitating their outdoor mobility.

President Alvi emphasized the importance of eliminating discrimination and assisting visually impaired individuals in becoming self-reliant and productive members of society, stressing that this should be a primary goal for the State.

Pakistan, President, Arif Alvi, responsibility, skills, employment opportunities, Visually Impaired,

Visually Impaired Diplomat, Judge Serve as Inspiring Examples

He cited the achievements of Saima Saleem, Pakistan’s first visually impaired diplomat, who delivered a speech at the United Nations, and Yousaf Saleem, the nation’s first visually impaired judge, who set a courageous example for others with similar disabilities.

President Alvi commended the Ministry of Human Rights for its efforts in providing educational opportunities and addressing the specific needs of children with disabilities.

Interim Minister for Human Rights Khalil George mentioned that the ministry was actively promoting awareness about physically challenged individuals through various activities and advocacy programs. He also highlighted the special needs school under the ministry, which provides education through Braille and modern assistive devices.

As part of the event, visually impaired children presented a tableau featuring the national song ‘Dil Dil Pakistan.’ President Alvi distributed white canes among the visually impaired children and later posed for a group photograph with them.

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