Palestine Recognition Important Step Towards Two-state Solution: Jordan

Wed May 22 2024
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AMMAN: Jordan hailed a coordinated move by Norway, Ireland, and Spain on Wednesday to recognize the State of Palestine as an “important and essential step towards Palestinian statehood”.

Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi told a joint press conference with his Hungarian counterpart in Amman that Jordan welcomed the decisions taken by friendly European nations today to recognize a Palestinian state, according to AFP.

Jordan valued this decision and considered it an important and essential step towards a two-state solution that embodies an independent, sovereign Palestinian state along the July 1967 borders.

Safadi expressed hopes that these decisions will be part of a wider movement that places all nations in the world and the region on a clear path towards a comprehensive and just peace, which is the only guarantor for security and stability for Israel, Palestine, and the region.

Recognition of Palestine an Important Step

He added that the recognition of Palestine marked an important and essential step in response to the Israeli government’s actions, not only in rejecting the two-state solution but also in terms of practical steps on the ground that kill the chances of achieving peace in the region.

His remarks come after Dublin, Oslo, and Madrid announced they would each recognize a Palestinian state on May 28, amid the war raging in the Gaza Strip.

According to the Palestinian Authority, which has limited powers in parts of the occupied West Bank, 142 of the 193 UN member nations already recognize a Palestinian state.

Most Western governments including the US say they are willing to one day recognize Palestinian statehood — but not before the deal is made on thorny issues like its final borders and the status of Jerusalem.

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