Parents Must Play Active Role in Generation with Better Values: Samina Alvi

Tue Jan 10 2023
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Staff Report

KARACHI: Begum Samina Alvi was invited as the Chief Guest to participate in the celebration and recognition of Children in need, organized by Society for Children in Need of Special Attention (SCINOSA) at the SCINOSA Day Home. 

Begum Samina Alvi expressed her deep admiration for the exceptional work being done by SCINOSA in helping individuals with Down Syndrome and intellectual abilities reach their full potential and lead a dignified and productive life.

Begum Samina Alvi visited the facility at SCINOSA, which included different centers and departments dedicated to skill learning, sporting facilities, and vocational training. The event included a variety of displays of talent and ability, ranging from Boy Scouts, and Tabloids to Taekwondo, by DABs, who had been receiving education and skill learning from SCINOSA.

She expressed that the facility was hygienic and well-kept, with special care to establish a welcoming and conducive infrastructure. 

Madam Samina Alvi thanked SCINOSA for inviting her and admired their work on rehabilitation in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and education provision. She stated how she was thoroughly impressed by the fact that the maximum number of representatives from Pakistan till now was to participate in the World Games in 2023, including various sports, like, Lawn tennis, Basketball, etc. 

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Samina Alvi speaks about challenges

Begum Samina spoke at length about DABs, apart from many challenges, are met with the most excruciating challenge of social stigma. They are defined through terms that are derogatory and demeaning.

She stressed that parents must play an active role in a generation with better values, where children are sensitized from a very young age to using correct terms, e.g., “differently abled,” and “special needs children,” to encourage inclusion and detach any shame and humiliation on these impairments. 

She said that DABs to be made active members of society and not locked up at homes. They must be given proper additive infrastructure in public and work spaces so that they can partake in the workforce without facing any hindrance and isolation. 

She spoke about separate Identity cards for children/ persons with special needs to detail their impairment and how they should always carry such a card for them to be hired for jobs that would be adequate for them. 

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Begum Samina Alvi mentioned how she has been actively participating and also urging the President of Pakistan, Arif Alvi, to ensure that the Government of Pakistan must play the most integral role in carrying out official-level initiatives and making legislative implementation possible through offering training centers and sanctuaries.

She stated how her team had been working to ensure that all avenues were exhausted to ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities into society and the active workforce. 

She stated the pivotal role played by the Media in gathering public awareness and subsequent support among the larger population. Media must join hands with all the organizations, NGOs, and welfare organizations working for DABs to further recognize and create awareness for them. 

The event concluded with Begum Samina Alvi planting the seeds for Gulmohor (Delonix Regia) at the SCINOSA Day Home, which was to represent her commitment towards inclusion and rehabilitation of children with special needs.

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