PCFA-KP Celebrates 73rd Anniversary of Pakistan-China Diplomatic Relations

Thu May 30 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan-China Friendship Association (PCFA) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province commemorated the 73rd anniversary of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China. The celebratory event, held at KP House in Islamabad, served as a testament to the enduring strength and vitality of the bond between the two nations.

Syed Ali Nawaz Gilani, Secretary-General of PCFA, underscored the importance of understanding China’s socio-economic development dynamics, highlighting the significance of learning from their experiences as close allies.

Arshad Ayub Khan, Minister for Local Government and Rural Development Department, attended the event as chief guest. He emphasized the historic and enduring nature of the Pakistan-China friendship. He stressed the need to deepen cultural, trade, and business exchanges, drawing inspiration from the transformative impact of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) on Pakistan’s economy.

Zhang Heqing, Chinese Cultural Counsellor, lauded the efforts of PCFA-KP in bolstering bilateral relations, emphasizing the rich historical ties and the mutual benefits derived from the partnership. He highlighted the successful implementation of CPEC and the ambitious projects aimed at enhancing Pakistan’s infrastructure and economic prosperity.

Yousaf Ayub Khan, President of PCFA-KP, expressed gratitude to the distinguished guests and reflected on the remarkable journey of Pakistan-China relations over the past 73 years, acknowledging the enduring success of this strategic partnership.

The event saw the participation of prominent figures such as Mr. Wang Heihua, President of the All Pakistan Chinese Enterprises Association, Saleem Khan, Secretary of the Local Government Board, and Shakeel Khan, Director of PESCO, along with members of the Chinese Media Group and other PCFA-KP members.

PCFA-KP, Anniversary, Pakistan-China, Diplomatic Relations, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, CPEC, Pakistan, China

Syed Ali Nawaz Gilani, Secretary-General of PCFA, provided insights into the association’s contributions and outlined future plans aimed at further enhancing bilateral cooperation and understanding between Pakistan and China.

The celebration of the 73rd anniversary of Pakistan-China diplomatic relations not only commemorates a rich past but also heralds a promising future of continued cooperation and mutual growth.

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