People Continue Suffering Indian Atrocities in Occupied Kashmir  

Wed Dec 27 2023
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ISLAMABAD: In occupied Kashmir, the plight of the Kashmiri people continues with over a hundred thousand Kashmiris having been martyred and a similar number held in captivity over decades.

Overview of the Ongoing Story of Oppression in Occupied Kashmir (2023)

  • The situation has left more than 23,000 widowed women and over 100,000 orphaned children.
  • In February 2023, the Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Mehbooba Mufti, was subjected to inhumane violence.
  • On February 2, 2023, the residence and shops of freedom leader Qazi Yaser were vandalized, adding to the growing concerns about violence in the region.
  • During nine fake encounters, 27 Kashmiris were martyred.
  • Calls for the political restoration of occupied Kashmir were made by figures such as Omar Abdullah and Rahul Gandhi.
  • The special status of Kashmir was revoked on July 8, 2023, leading to hearings in the Indian Supreme Court.
  • On August 7, 2023, Kashmiri freedom leader Yasin Malik’s daughter, Razia Sultana, appealed to the UN Secretary-General to intervene and save her father from the death penalty.
  • On August 7, Pakistani students at the University of East Anglia conducted a seminar advocating for the freedom of Kashmir.
  • On August 24, several human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, jointly issued a letter to the G20 nations, urging them to raise their voices against human rights violations in Kashmir.
  • On September 23, freedom leader Mir Waiz Omar Farooq was released from prison.
  • On October 12, the drama of the Indian scholarship scheme was staged in occupied Kashmir, but Kashmiri students rejected it.
  • On November 13, protests against India were held in Kargil and Ladakh.
  • On December 11, social media highlighted the criticism of Indian media against the oppression in Kashmir.
  • On December 14, the Indian Supreme Court made a historically biased decision on Kashmir.
  • On December 23, three naked Kashmiris were shot dead by the Indian army in a staged encounter.
  • Although the grip of the Indian army persists in occupied Kashmir, the Kashmiris remain hopeful for their freedom, and their struggle for self-determination continues.
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