Peru: Archaeologists Discover Extensive Settlements

Mon Sep 04 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Settlement from the Wari culture was found in the Cajamarca region that dates from the 7th to the 13th centuries BC.

During excavations in Peru, archaeologists have uncovered an expansive pre-Hispanic settlement where multiple ethnic groups coexisted. This settlement in the Cajamarca region of northern Peru is attributed to the Wari culture and dates back to the 7th to 13th centuries BC.

The Project of Archaeological Investigation (PIA) announced the discovery, spanning 24 hectares (60 acres), which includes two burial chambers featuring intricate underground structures.

Shinya Watanabe, one of the project’s directors, stated that the archaeological dig unearthed fragmented pottery, ceremonial vessels, ceramic wind instruments, various weapons, and evidence reflecting diverse traditions.

Judith Padilla, the cultural director of the Cajamarca Centre, emphasized the significant strides made in comprehending Peru’s history. She stressed the importance of investigating the lifestyles and rituals of ancient societies on Peruvian soil to gain insights into contemporary practices. Furthermore, Padilla expressed the team’s aim to unravel the sociopolitical system of the Cajamarca culture and its relationship with the Wari Empire. —AA/APP

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