Petrol Prices Likely to Decrease by Rs35 per Litre in Pakistan

Sat Oct 14 2023
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ISLAMABAD: In response to fluctuations in global oil prices, the price of petrol in Pakistan is expected to witness a significant reduction of Rs35 per litre, starting from October 16, 2023, a local television channel reported on Saturday citing official sources.

The current rate of petrol, which stands at Rs323.38 per litre, may drop to Rs285 per litre following the expected decrease. Similarly, the price of high-speed diesel (HSD) might witness a decrease of Rs16, lowering it to Rs302 per litre for the upcoming fortnight.

Decrease in Petrol Prices in Pakistan

It’s important to note that the final decision regarding these price adjustments will be made by the caretaker government. This potential reduction in fuel prices follows a recent decrease earlier this month. On October 1, petrol prices were reduced by Rs8 per litre, marking the end of a two-month-long hike, and were set at Rs323.38 per litre.

Additionally, during the same adjustment, the price of high-speed diesel (HSD) had dropped by Rs11 per litre to Rs318.18, and Kerosene oil prices reduced by Rs7.53 per litre to Rs237.28.

This likely reduction in petrol prices will provide some relief to consumers in the face of rising living costs.

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