Photo Exhibition in Turkiye Highlights Indian Atrocities In IIOJK

Mon Aug 05 2024
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ANKARA: A photo exhibition jointly organized by Ambassador of Pakistan to Turkiye Dr. Yousaf Junaid and Deputy Mayor Atilla Zorlu of Kecioren Municipality on Monday highlighted the severe human rights violations by India and the resilience of Kashmiris in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

The event was held in connection with Youm-e-Istehsal-e-Kashmir, also known as the ‘Day of Exploitation of Kashmir.’

During the event, Deputy Mayor Zorlu expressed Turkiye’s steadfast support for the Kashmir cause and hoped for a future where the Kashmiri people would experience freedom. He said that in their just struggle for self-determination, the Kashmiri people would have the unwavering support of their Turkish counterparts.

Ambassador Junaid, in his address, thanked the Turkish government and its people for their principled stance and continued support regarding Kashmir, particularly praising President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for advocating the Kashmir issue on international platforms.

photo exhibition, Ambassador of Pakistan, Turkiye, Dr. Yousaf Junaid, Kecioren Municipality, human rights violations, IIOJK, Youm-e-Istehsal-e-Kashmir

Junaid underscored that despite seventy-six years of Indian occupation and ongoing suppression of Kashmiri rights, justice will eventually prevail, and the oppressors will be held accountable.

photo exhibition, Ambassador of Pakistan, Turkiye, Dr. Yousaf Junaid, Kecioren Municipality, human rights violations, IIOJK, Youm-e-Istehsal-e-Kashmir

The exhibition featured a powerful collection of photographs that vividly depicted the harsh realities faced by Kashmiris in the IIOJK and their ongoing struggle for the right to self-determination.


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