Pilgrims Bid Farewell to Makkah After Hajj, Reflecting on Spiritual Journey

Tue Jun 18 2024
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MINA: The end of the Hajj pilgrimage brings a wave of bittersweet emotions for the faithful as they bid farewell to the holy city of Makkah. After completing the rites of Hajj, pilgrims gather for their final prayers before making their way to the airport, leaving behind a place that has profoundly deepened their connection to their faith.

The unity and camaraderie they have shared with other pilgrims, the hardships they have endured, and the profound sense of peace and tranquility they have found in Makkah — all contribute to the sadness of saying goodbye, Arab News reported.

Ishfaq Al-Hassan, from Pakistan, told Arab News: “Being in this place has made me feel incredible, and anyone who has a connection to Allah and Prophet Muhammad — peace be upon him — should witness this beauty, and visit this holy place again and again.”

As he left for home, Al-Hassan said the sense of spiritual fulfillment and closeness to God he felt during Hajj would linger in his heart.

“I pray that Allah grants the entire Muslim Ummah the ability to come here and unite. I ask Allah to eliminate the shortcomings of Muslims and resolve any difficulties they may be encountering in life.”

Kuwaiti Sami Al-Qahtani said: “Having gone through Hajj myself, I can say that the emotions experienced are beyond words.”

He added it was truly a divine blessing from Allah that he could be there to perform Hajj for a second time.

A pilgrim from the Philippines called Haris said he was grateful to Allah that he was able to perform Hajj. He added he had sad emotions as he remembered the loss of his parents during his pilgrimage. “I hope for Allah to place them in heaven,” he said.

It is with mixed emotions that these pilgrims board their flights home. While full of gratitude for the opportunity to perform Hajj, they also feel a longing to return to a place that has left an indelible mark on their souls.


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