Poland Seeks Border Guard Assistance from Finland, Germany, Greece

Thu Jul 04 2024
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WARSAW: Poland has sought border guards and police support from Finland, Germany and Greece to help secure its border with Belarus, said a senior official on Thursday.

The official told reporters that preparations are underway and these nations are very experienced in border protection especially, Greek has vast experience.

The border between Belarus and Poland has become a flashpoint as Western officials blame the government in Minsk for using migrants from outside of Europe as hybrid warfare.

According to the European Union’s border agency, Frontex, the number of people trying to enter into the EU alongside the continent’s eastern border has nearly doubled in the first five months of the current year.

Officials in Finland and Poland in recent months have warned that the number of people trying to cross via Belarus or Russia could increase significantly in the coming days.

Greece is extending its fencing along its border with Turkey, while Finland seeks to close down a new migrant route via Russia to Europe by deploying more border guards, electronic detectors, drones and by building fences.

Defence Minister of Poland Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz in an interview with public television on Thursday said that migrants coming through from Belarus might include people trained to assault soldiers of Poland.

Warsaw government hopes to raise the matter at the upcoming NATO summit in Washington next week.

Earlier this week, Germany and Poland presented a joint action plan in which they agreed to discuss enhancing defence cooperation, including a stronger NATO presence on Europe’s eastern border.

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