Posters in IIOJK Demand Resolution of Kashmir Dispute as per UN Resolutions

Mon Jan 15 2024
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SRINAGAR: Posters have appeared in parts of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) urging people to raise voices for the resolution of the Kashmir dispute based on the right to self-determination, pledged to the Kashmiris in its resolution passed on January 5, 1949.

The posters, displayed in Islamabad district by pro-freedom groups, said that India, while continuing its atrocities and state terrorism, is changing the demography of the valley, keeping Kashmiris under military siege, according to Kashmir Media Service.

The posters with “Go India Go Back” slogans urged people to raise their voices against the human rights abuses and political injustices in the occupied region.

Call for UN Resolutions 

Meanwhile, several Hurriyat organizations have urged the United Nations to honor its commitments made 75 years ago of the right to self-determination and not shy away from its responsibility of settling the lingering Kashmir problem under the UN resolutions and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

Moreover, a report released by the Kashmir Media Service on 76th Army Day, being celebrated by India on Monday, said that the Indian army, notorious for being a terrorist force, is constantly engaged in brutalizing Kashmiri people and committing war crimes in IIOJK.

It said that Indian troops continue to perpetrate serious human rights violations in the occupied valley. Indian military establishment influenced by RSS’s Hindutva ideology is trained in committing genocide and crimes against defenseless Kashmiris.

The report said that the occupation forces have no justification to celebrate Army Day for being involved in the killing, arrest, and abduction of innocent people during notorious cordon and search operations and house raids in the region. Leave the IIOJK aside; Indian forces are even shooting innocent civilians dead in India’s own states, it added.

It pointed out that the recent killing of 3 innocent civilians in the Poonch district is ample proof of the Indian army’s savagery.

In India’s northeastern region, the Indian military has killed more than 4,000 civilians, mostly Dalits, Muslims, and Christians, over the past two decades.

The report said that killing people in staged encounters has become a regular feature of the Indian military. Killing fields of IIOJK have exposed the real face of the Indian military, which is involved in fake encounters and extrajudicial killings in the occupied valley.

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