Posters in IIOJK Echo Call for Freedom and Solidarity with Pakistan on National Day

Wed Mar 20 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Posters bearing messages of solidarity with Pakistan and calls for an end to Indian occupation have surfaced across Srinagar and other areas of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) ahead of Pakistan Day on March 23.

Various organizations, including the Jammu and Kashmir Political Resistance Movement, Justice and Peace Initiative, Nawjawanan-e-Hurriyat Jammu Kashmir, and Jammu Kashmir Democratic Movement, have displayed posters featuring the iconic slogan coined by the late Hurriyat leader Syed Ali Gilani, ‘Hum Pakistani Hain, Pakistan Hamara Hai,’ alongside images of the Pakistan flag, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (RA), and Army Chief General Syed Asim Munir.

The posters extend greetings to Pakistanis on their national day while asserting the demand for an end to Indian illegal occupation and advocating for freedom for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

Expressing condemnation of India’s militarization of Kashmir, the posters reiterate Kashmiris’ unwavering commitment to their right to self-determination and their rejection of Indian oppression.

With calls for united action against Indian occupation, the posters serve as a symbolic representation of the collective voice of Kashmiris longing for freedom, with their message amplified through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

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