Posters in Occupied Kashmir Suggest India Now Resorting to Overseas State Terrorism

Wed Sep 27 2023
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ISLAMABAD: Posters have surfaced in various regions of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), calling upon the people to unite and raise their voices against Indian state-sponsored terrorism.


These posters emphasize the unwavering commitment of the Kashmiri populace to their just cause of self-determination and their determination to thwart India’s evil intentions.

As reported by the Kashmir Media Service (KMS), these posters have been placed by Hurriyat organizations, including the Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Resistance Party, Resistance Youth Forum Jammu and Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Movement, Jammu and Kashmir Political Resistance Movement, and Nojawanan-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir.Kashmir

They have been strategically placed on walls, pillars, and electric poles in Srinagar and other parts of the territory. The posters implore the people to unite, stand together, and confront the Hindutva-driven terrorism perpetrated by the Indian government.

The posters contend that the Indian Hindutva government is responsible for losing Kashmiri lives in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Furthermore, they accuse India’s RAW of exporting terrorism under the guise of diplomatic missions in foreign countries, resulting in the tragic killings of Kashmiri Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians.

The posters assert, “The Hindutva rulers of India, along with their forces, are eroding the political rights of Kashmiris, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Dalits, and other minorities while also targeting members of these communities for violence.”

They go on to highlight that the Indian military apparatus is suppressing the voices of freedom in occupied Kashmir, the Modi government’s oppressive actions against minorities in India, and the alleged involvement of Hindutva-driven RAW in the killings of Sikhs and Kashmiri Muslims in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan, and Canada.

According to the posters, Sikhs and Kashmiris desire their political rights through peaceful strategies, while the world has to restrain Modi’s Hindutva ideology. —APP

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