President Alvi Advocates Dynamic Approach for Pakistan Amid Global Challenges

Wed Dec 06 2023
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ISLAMABAD: In the inaugural session of the Islamabad Conclave 2023 organized by the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI), President Dr. Arif Alvi emphasized the need for a dynamic approach by Pakistan to address threats to regional peace in the challenging global scenario. Themed ‘Pakistan in a changing world,’ the conclave aimed to explore multiple layers of change and the way forward for the country.

President Alvi stressed the importance of rediscovering Pakistan’s vision amidst superpower rivalries and interference from neighboring states. He called for close liaison among politicians, parliamentarians, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Defence to facilitate effective deliberations and policy-making.

Highlighting Pakistan’s strategic shift from geopolitics to geo-economics, the president discussed the evolving regional situation, particularly in the context of India’s belligerence. He emphasized the need for policies aligned with regional and systemic developments.

Expressing concern over the global scenario, President Alvi noted the prevalence of wars waged by powerful nations against weaker segments, citing the situation in Gaza as an alarming example. He regretted the world’s apathy towards such atrocities and criticized the failure of the intellect of mankind.

Reflecting on historical peace-building efforts, President Alvi recalled the establishment of bodies like the League of Nations and the United Nations after war-related massacres in Europe. However, he pointed out that established rules were being undermined, particularly the granting of veto power to certain states.

President Alvi asserted that war was not a solution to conflicts and led to a never-ending cycle of violence. He called for an approach based on love, empathy, and forgiveness, emphasizing the importance of morality as the anchor of human thinking.

In the context of Pakistan’s political scenario, the president highlighted the absence of a spirit of forgiveness and empathy, stating that nations evolve on these principles. He identified various global threats, including skewed development, immigration issues, increasing poverty, artificial intelligence, nuclear weaponization, and environmental changes.

President Alvi underscored the need for adhering to principles of socio-economic justice, equal opportunities, and empowering women. He commended ISSI’s role as a leading think-tank contributing to discussions on national, regional, and international matters.

Director General of ISSI, Ambassador Sohail Mahmood, outlined the conclave’s agenda, covering topics such as changing regional landscape, evolving dynamics, navigating geopolitics, geo-economics, comprehensive global security, and Pakistan’s foreign policy in an emerging world order.



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