President Alvi Calls for Timely Justice to Avoid Aggravation of Disputes

Wed May 31 2023
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QUETTA: President Dr. Arif Alvi called on Wednesday for the early resolution of small family conflicts to avoid an increase in disputes and bloodshed.

He said the federal and provincial ombudsmen played a key role in promoting public service and good governance. Addressing a seminar here, the president said that as a member of the National Assembly (NA) in 2017, he worked strongly to pass a bill related to alternate dispute resolution to decrease the burden on the mainstream judiciary.

President Arif Alvi pointed out that when physical interaction was not possible due to security issues, the executives, including himself, must have arranged online setups such as “Zoom meetings” to ensure direct communication with the common people to ensure timely justice delivery.”

He said last night that he disposed of ten cases of the federal ombudsman, and normally he disposes of appeals cases in just a few hours.” The president also emphasized the importance of raising knowledge about the role of the ombudsman, as few people knew it.

He also directed the reduction of barriers to interaction between government officials and the common people. He said that Islam teaches people to be patient and forgive in order to promote peace and harmony in society.

President Alvi Says Islam Ensures Inheritance Rights to Women

Referring to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and His companions’ living standards, the president also called the country’s executives to follow them and embrace the ordinary man’s living standard. The president said, “Islam is the first religion that emphasized providing an inheritance to women, and in the Quran, it has been emphasized with clarity.” Emphasized

He said that normally in our society, women of a family gave up their inheritance rights in favor of their brothers, which frequently happened under pressure. However, he said it was rare for a family’s men to withdraw their inheritance rights in favor of their sisters.

President Alvi stressed the importance of ensuring women’s participation in all aspects of life, saying the country could not afford the burden of a 52% population, thus, they must be allowed to work freely in public spaces.

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