President Alvi Pays Rich Tribute to Pak Army Soldiers

Fri Jan 19 2024
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ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arif Alvi on Friday paid rich tribute to the soldiers of Pakistan Army who embraced martyrdom in an attack in Lakki Marwat on January 10.

Talking to the family members of Sepoy Muhammad Afzal and Abrar Hussain over phone, he offered deep condolence and prayed for the highest ranks of the martyred in paradise. He also expressed sympathies with the family members of the martyrs.

The president, on behalf of the entire nation saluted the martyrs for sacrificing their lives for the sake of the country’s security.

Earlier, Pakistan military’s media wing ISPR said that Sepoy Muhammad Afzal resident of district Bhimber, Azad Kashmir and Sepoy Ibrar Hussain, resident of district Mansehra, embraced shahadat on 10 January in Lakki Marwat.

It maintained serving and retired officers, soldiers, relatives, and a large number of people from different segments of society attended the funerals.

The ISPR further stated that the armed forces of Pakistan stand resolutely to eradicate the menace of terrorism at all costs.

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