President Arif Alvi Condemns Desecration of Holy Quran in Sweden

Mon Jan 23 2023
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By Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD: President Dr. Arif Alvi has vehemently condemned the desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden, which he said, humiliated the Islamic holy book and hurt the feelings of billions of Muslims while masquerading as an exercise in freedom of speech.

He called it the act senseless, provocative, Islamophobic, and senseless, which has hurt the religious sensitivities of Muslims worldwide.

The President said that this dissolute incident was an act of needless incitement and a severe provocation to the Muslim feelings in the world. It was against the internationally accepted principles and norms of legal expression of the right to freedom of opinion or expression, which bind everyone to avoid inciting people to violence or making hate speech.

President Arif Alvi for unity against Islamophobia

According to the President, Islam teaches reverence and respect for all world religions. In contrast, this horrible act insulted Muslims’ fundamental principles and demonstrated worrying levels of Islamophobia, which hurt the feelings of Muslims.

Dr. Arif urged world leaders to unite against Islamophobia and emphasized the importance of global efforts to strengthen the values of tolerance and coexistence. He called for the criminalization of all acts that advance the ideology of hatred. He also urged them to prevent radical and extremist elements from inciting hatred against Islamic sanctuaries and values.

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