President Directs SNGPL to Rectify Gas Bill, Apologize to Consumer

Sat Jun 24 2023
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ISLAMABAD: President Dr. Arif Alvi had asked Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd (SNGPL) to rectify a consumer’s gas bill and apologize to him after he was incorrectly invoiced for two solar geysers at his property when only one had been installed by the contractor.

The contractor incorrectly mentioned the installation of two geysers in forms, provided his own contact number to manipulate the verification process, presented the paperwork to the SNGPL office, and then fled.

While rejecting a representation made by SNGPL against the decision of Wafaqi Mohtasib, the President stated that it is disgraceful that the management is ignoring corruption within SNGPL and harassing members of the public. Rather than examining its contractor, SNGPL burdens the public even more due to its incompetence and collusion by justifying its illegal activity. “An investigation must be conducted, and those responsible must be brought to justice,” said the President while rejecting SNGPL’s representation against a Wafaqi Mohtasib decision.

According to the details, Tahir Hussain (the complainant) filed a complaint with Wafaqi Mohtasib after an SNGPL official installed one solar geyser in his home and informed him that the money for the geyser would be recovered in installments in bills. SNGPL, on the other hand, issued him a bill that included two solar geysers. He went to the office and was told that, according to the records, two geysers had been put at his house. The SNGPL’s Supervisor informed him that the contractor (Shafqat), who installed the geyser, had fled after committing fraud. He called the police, who declined to intervene, claiming that the dispute was between Sui Gas employees and the contractor.

The President rejected the argument and agreed with Mohtasib that the contractor could not have committed fraud without knowing of Sui Gas employees and that if he had, SNGPL would have prosecuted him, which was not the case. He pointed out that SNGPL’s representative defended the illegal activity without delving into the specifics of the matter, which was its primary obligation. He further said SNGPL violated the law and the OGRA norms by failing to follow its own procedure and billing the complainant arbitrarily.

As a result, the President asked SNGPL to fix the problem while apologizing to the complainant.


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