President Japarov Affirms Commitment to Freedom of Speech in Kyrgyzstan

Thu Feb 08 2024
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BISHKEK: President Sadyr Japarov of Kyrgyzstan took to Facebook to reaffirm the country’s unwavering commitment to freedom of speech, emphasizing that it has always been and will continue to be upheld.

Japarov cited a recent example involving a video message from junior sergeant Jyldyz Asanakunova of military unit No. 2028 in Karakol, who reported incidents of abuse and mistreatment of soldiers and directly addressed the President.

Highlighting the significance of Asanakunova’s ability to make a direct appeal, Japarov underscored that such actions are only possible in a country where freedom of speech and human rights are respected. He assured that the military prosecutor’s office is diligently investigating the matter and pledged to announce the results once available.

The video, posted on social media on February 6, depicted Asanakunova detailing instances of violence and lawlessness within the military unit, including reports of physical abuse and the use of substandard food, allegedly containing meat from deceased animals.

However, the State Committee for National Security later reported that, following a comprehensive on-site inspection, Asanakunova’s claims were not substantiated.

President Japarov’s public acknowledgment of the issue and commitment to investigating such allegations demonstrates the government’s responsiveness to concerns raised by citizens and its dedication to upholding democratic values, including freedom of speech and accountability.


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