President Zardari Expresses Gratitude to President Xi for Continued Support

Thu Mar 14 2024
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ISLAMABAD: President Asif Ali Zardari has conveyed his heartfelt appreciation to Chinese President Xi Jinping for extending warm congratulations on his re-election as the President of Pakistan.

In his response to President Xi’s gracious letter, President Zardari reaffirmed his unwavering dedication to collaborating closely with the Chinese leadership. He emphasized the importance of deepening practical cooperation, reinforcing the longstanding partnership, and nurturing a shared community for the mutual benefit of both nations.

Highlighting the unique bond shared between Pakistan and China, President Zardari underscored the historical foundation and the enduring values of mutual respect, understanding, and shared perspectives on global affairs. He emphasized that the robust friendship between the two countries serves as a cornerstone for regional peace, stability, and development.

President Zardari expressed his profound satisfaction at the significant strides made in bilateral cooperation, particularly in advancing the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). He recognized President Xi’s unwavering support as pivotal in the continued development of CPEC, which remains instrumental in achieving the shared objectives of progress and prosperity for both nations.

Furthermore, President Zardari commended President Xi Jinping’s recognition of his commitment to fostering and strengthening the friendship between China and Pakistan. He reiterated Pakistan’s steadfast dedication to nurturing the All-Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership and reiterated the shared aspirations for a prosperous future.

The exchange of letters between the two leaders reaffirms the enduring camaraderie and strategic alignment between Pakistan and China, underscoring their shared commitment to advancing bilateral ties and promoting regional stability and development.

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