Prince William Voices Concern Over Human Cost of Middle East Conflict

Tue Feb 20 2024
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LONDON: In a rare departure from the British royal family’s customary silence on international affairs, Prince William, heir to the throne, issued a statement on Tuesday expressing his deep concern over the “terrible human cost” of the Middle East conflict as Israel continues relentless bombardment on Gaza.

Ahead of scheduled engagements in London to acknowledge the human suffering inflicted by the ongoing conflict, Prince William emphasized the urgent need for humanitarian aid and the release of hostages in Gaza.

The royal family typically refrains from commenting on international conflicts, as their role is primarily ceremonial and devoid of political intervention. However, Prince William’s statement underscores the gravity of the situation in Gaza and his personal commitment to alleviating the suffering of those affected by the conflict.

Acknowledging the devastating toll of more than four months of relentless Israeli bombardment, which has resulted in widespread destruction, famine threats, and displacement of millions, Prince William stressed the imperative of achieving a lasting peace. He highlighted the urgent need for increased humanitarian support and reiterated his hope for a brighter future, despite the current darkness.

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