Prominent Democrats Rally Behind Biden after Jeering from Republicans

Wed Feb 08 2023
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Monitoring Desk

ISLAMABAD: Prominent Democrats on Wednesday rallied behind President Joe Biden after he faced tough jeering from Republicans during his State of the Union address.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said that it showed just that the President was talking to the average American, and the contrast of these guys yelling, screaming, and throwing junk on the wall. They did not have a plan. It will serve the Biden so well and it is going to serve the US well.

President Biden’s speech at the Capitol on Tuesday night started without much theatrics but slowly and gradually escalated over the roughly seventy-five minutes to off-script and  GOP heckling responses from him.

The jeering ranged from audible calls to shout boos from the Republicans sloganeering “your fault” and“secure the border”.

Schumer said that there was no way to eliminate the deficit in ten years — a goal of Republican leadership — without cutting Social Security and Medicare.

Another prominent Democrat Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris, the Vice President and another prominent Democrat, termed the Republican jeering as theatrical and lauded the president for being in command and staying focused on the US people.

She said that it is the president’s nature and commitment to the US people to work across the aisle.

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