Protests Erupt in Algeria’s Tiaret Over Water Shortages

Tue Jun 18 2024
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ALGIERS, Algeria: Protests erupted for the second day in Algeria’s Tiaret region over severe drinking water shortages, according to social media reports. President Abdelmadjid Tebboune had pledged to address the water crisis by the Eid Al-Adha holiday, which began on Sunday, but the issue persists, sparking public unrest.

Demonstrators took to the streets, blocking roads with rocks and improvised barricades in Tiaret, southwest of the capital Algiers. The protests, which started at the beginning of Eid Al-Adha, have not been covered by official or private domestic media, despite the widespread disruption.

One frustrated resident posted on the Algerian water company’s social media page, “Your promises to the residents of Tiaret have been in vain. From the first day of Eid, many areas have been without water.” In Rahouia, approximately 40 kilometers from Tiaret, citizens blocked the local district chief from leaving his office until their concerns were heard.

Protests Erupt in Algerias Tiaret Over Water Shortages 1

The water crisis has been ongoing since May when the region’s tributaries and Bakhedda dam ran dry. Early June saw initial protests with demonstrators burning tires and blocking roads. In response to the escalating crisis, President Tebboune called a cabinet meeting on June 2, ordering the interior and water ministers to develop an urgent plan to address the shortages within 48 hours. The ministers subsequently visited Tiaret and presented a plan aimed at resolving the issue before Eid Al-Adha.

A temporary solution was implemented, supplying water from wells connected to the main water network, which provided relief in central Tiaret but failed to reach other parts of the region. These continued shortages have reignited protests, with residents demanding a sustainable resolution.

Protests have been relatively rare since President Tebboune’s election in December 2019, following mass demonstrations that led to the resignation of his predecessor, Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Tebboune, who has been active in media and public events, has yet to announce if he will seek reelection in the upcoming early elections in September.

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