PTI Demands Resignation of Chief Justice, Election Commissioner After Rigging Allegations

Sat Feb 17 2024
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ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has demanded the resignation of the chief election commissioner (CEC) and the chief justice of Pakistan (CJP), along with the swift restitution of seats allegedly stolen following the confession of manipulation in the election results by Rawalpindi Division Commissioner earlier today.

The Rawalpindi Division Commissioner, Liaquat Ali Chattha, confessed to manipulating election results on 13 seats in the division, which include Rawalpindi, Attock, Chakwal, and Jhelum districts.

Responding to the allegations of the Commissioner, PTI released a statement saying that “Chattha’s confession of electoral theft corroborates PTI’s stance on electoral integrity.”

The statement said that Chattha’s revelations uncover the deceitful actions of individuals involved in orchestrating the theft of public mandate under the cloak of darkness.

With Chattha’s admission of guilt regarding electoral fraud in Rawalpindi, the PTI spokesperson argued that Sikandar Sultan Raja lacks both legal and moral grounds to retain the position of chief election commissioner.

Calling for immediate resignations from all implicated officials, including the CEC and CJP Qazi Faez Isa, the spokesperson underscored the urgency of rectifying the situation.

Furthermore, the spokesperson urged for the expeditious return of the PTI’s allegedly stolen 86 seats through a recount of votes as per Form 45.

Amidst mounting evidence of widespread electoral fraud, the PTI spokesperson insisted on holding all involved perpetrators accountable under constitutional and legal frameworks.

PTI Barrister Gohar, Omar Ayub Reacts to Allegations 

Meanwhile, PTI senior leaders Barrister Gohar Ali Khan and Omar Ayub have demanded a thorough investigation into allegations of electoral fraud leveled by the Rawalpindi commissioner.

Expressing deep concern, Barrister Gohar emphasized the gravity of the commissioner’s role and stressed the need for fair elections under the oversight of the judiciary. He urged authorities to take the allegations seriously and investigate them rigorously.

Omar Ayub said that the commissioner’s statement as evidence of widespread fraud is not limited to Rawalpindi but extends nationwide.

PTI Nationwide Protests Against Election Rigging

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf has organized protest demonstrations across the country against the widespread electoral fraud in the recent 2024 general elections.

PTI supporters held protest rallies in major cities, including the federal capital, Lahore, Karachi, Multan, Muzaffargarh, and Peshawar.

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