PTI’s Imran Khan Summoned in Toshakhana Case on 11th

Sun Apr 09 2023
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ISLAMABAD: The district and sessions court of Islamabad (West) has summoned former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan in the Toshakhana case on April 11 (Tuesday).


As per details, the court summoned the PTI chief on a plea seeking an immediate hearing of the Toshakhana case. The former premier has been asked to appear before the court on April 11 at 8:30 in the morning, according to the summon as it added in case of non-appearance, the law will take its course.

Toshakhana, PTI, Imran Khan


The Election Commission of Pakistan had disqualified former prime minister and PTI chief Imran Khan in the Toshakhana reference under Article 63(1)(p). In its written judgment, the Commission said: “As per the statement of Imran Khan he had purchased the gifts from Toshakhana paying 21.564 million rupees while the Cabinet Division said that the gifts had a value of 107.943 million. The amount in his bank account was around half of the value of the state gifts. Imran Khan was bound to declare the cash and bank details in his returns but he didn’t declare it,” ECP decision read.

Toshakhana, PTI, Imran Khan


The ECP said that Imran Khan was declared disqualified and unseated from his National Assembly seat under Article 63, 1(P), over submitting a false statement and declaration.

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