Punjab Declares Early Summer Holidays for Schools

Mon May 20 2024
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ISLAMABAD: Education Minister of Punjab, Rana Sikandar Hayat, has announced an early summer holidays for all public and private schools due to the prevailing heatwave.

These holidays will start on May 25th and extend until May 31st. The decision to initiate summer holidays ahead of schedule has garnered overwhelming support from parents, with 96% of them backing the government’s move to safeguard children from the severe heatwave.

In a video message, Rana Sikandar Hayat emphasized the importance of prioritizing student health and safety amidst the ongoing heatwave. He also noted that 96% of parents advocated for the commencement of summer vacation this week, reaffirming that the well-being of students remains their top priority. He added that the crucial need for preventive measures to ensure student safety, given the extreme temperatures.

Schools conducting exams have been granted conditional permission to remain open solely for exam purposes, provided they adhere to necessary precautions. Previously, the Punjab government had scheduled summer vacations from June 1st to August 14th due to the severity of the heatwave.

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