Putin Calls for Closer Ties with North Korea ‘on All Fronts’: Kremlin

Sat Sep 09 2023
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MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Putin extended warm congratulations to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on the 75th anniversary of North Korea’s founding, expressing his desire for stronger bilateral ties in all areas.

In a message relayed by the Kremlin, Putin remarked, “I am convinced that thanks to our joint efforts, we will continue to strengthen our bilateral ties on all fronts. This fully corresponds to the interests of our people and helps ensure the security and stability of the Korean peninsula and northeast Asia.”

Putin underscored the historical ties between the two nations, recalling that the Soviet Union was the first country to recognize the North Korean regime. He emphasized that the relationship between Russia and North Korea has consistently been rooted in principles of friendship, good neighborliness, and mutual respect.

Putin Wishes for Kim’s Good Health and Success

The Russian President concluded his message by extending his wishes for Kim’s good health and success while also wishing peace and prosperity to all North Korean citizens.

Amidst mounting speculation, reports have emerged suggesting the possibility of a meeting between the two leaders to be held in Russia later this month. According to American officials cited by the New York Times, Kim Jong Un may travel via an armored train to Vladivostok, a city on Russia’s Pacific coast in proximity to North Korea, for this meeting.

Vladivostok is set to host the Eastern Economic Forum from September 10 to 13, an event that saw participation from 68 countries last year. However, the Kremlin has declined to confirm any meeting between Putin and Kim on the sidelines of the summit for the second time.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated, “No, I don’t know,” when asked about the possibility of a meeting between the two leaders at the Eastern Economic Forum, keeping the international community in suspense about the potential high-level talks.

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