ASTANA: Qatar has planned to invest $20 billion to implement nine projects in Kazakhstan, said the agreement on long-term strategic partnership, approved by the Senate, the upper house of the Kazakh Parliament, on October 10.
The document provides for the implementation of investment projects in Kazakhstan in agriculture energy, transport, petrochemicals, telecommunications, and finance. The agreement also includes guarantees to protect investors from seizure of property, stability of the tax regime, as well as the provision of a number of tax and customs benefits.
The Kazakh Ministry of National Economy said that the agreement implies the creation of a new communications operator, the second line of the Beineu-Bozoi-Shymkent gas pipeline, the construction of a gas processing plant at the Kashagan field, a power plant in the Kyzylorda Region and a hydroelectric power station on the Irtysh River.
The Mazhilis, the lower house of the Parliament, on October 9, approved the agreement between the governments of Kazakhstan and Qatar on military cooperation, including military education, science and medicine.
The agreement also provides for consultations on matters related to peacekeeping operations and combat training. Both the countries will have the right to use each other’s training grounds.
Deputy Minister of Defense Darkhan Akhmediyev has stressed that Kazakhstan has more than 20 similar agreements with other countries, including Azerbaijan, Belarus, Russia, Türkiye, and other states.