Qatari Court’s Verdict Further Unveils India’s Rogue State Saga

Fri Nov 03 2023
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Naveed Miraj

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India has become a rogue state under its PM Narendra Modi. This categorization is not an exaggeration but a reflection of the growing evidence that points to India’s active pursuit of its strategic interests through clandestine operations, often at the expense of international laws and norms.

The recent verdict of a Qatari court sentencing eight retired Indian Navy personnel to death for their involvement in espionage activities on behalf of Israel has unveiled yet another layer of India’s covert operations, highlighting the extent to which this country can go that no nation, whether ally or adversary, is safe from its snare.

Qatari Courts Verdict Further Unveils Indias Rogue State Saga 1

The unfortunate incident involving the eight Indian naval officers, namely Captain Navtej Singh Gill, Captain Saurabh Vashisht, Commander Purenendu Tiwari, Captain Birendra Kumar Verma, Commander Sugunakar Pakala, Commander Sanjeev Gupta, Commander Amit Nagpal, and Sailor Ragesh, demonstrates the lengths to which India is willing to go to serve its strategic partners like Israel.

The charged individuals reportedly worked for Dahra Global Technologies and Consulting Services, a private company in Qatar providing defense and security services. The officers were accused of gathering intelligence on Qatar’s acquisition of U212 advanced submarines, posing a direct challenge to Israel’s regional dominance. The incident underscores the long-standing pattern of Indian intelligence agencies employing espionage tactics to further their objectives, even at the expense of diplomatic relations.

Qatari Courts Verdict Further Unveils Indias Rogue State Saga

The Indian government’s attempts to downplay the Qatari court’s verdict and the portrayal of the convicted individuals as vulnerable, elderly veterans highlight a disturbing trend of disinformation and manipulation by the Indian media. India’s attempts to portray itself as a reliable ally for Muslim nations, while simultaneously engaging in covert operations against their interests, highlight the duplicity in its foreign policy.

The fact of matter is that the list of Indian crimes is far bigger. There have also been incidents in the past where Indian nationals, including military personnel, were arrested on espionage charges. One such incident occurred in 2014 when the United Arab Emirates (UAE) apprehended and later convicted two Indians for providing sensitive information about the UAE to Indian intelligence. It was proved that convicted spies were in contact with officers from the Indian embassy in UAE. Similarly, in 2019, a German court convicted an Indian couple living in Germany of spying. The couple confessed their affiliation with Indian RAW and acknowledged gathering and supplying information about Kashmiri and Sikh individuals residing in Germany to the Indian intelligence agency.

Canada-India and Hardeep Singh Nijjar’s Killing

Then most recently, Canada also implicated India in the assassination of Sikh leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar in Vancouver.  The revelation that a member of India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) was involved in the assassination also prompted Canada to take decisive action, including the expulsion of Indian diplomat Pavan Kumar Rai. The implications of India’s alleged interference in the internal affairs of other nations, coupled with its history of supporting and funding terrorist organizations, should raise alarm bell especially in the important capitals which are extending all out support to the Hindutva inspired regime.


The way India spread its evil tentacles in the South Asian countries such as Sri Lanka, Nepal, Afghanistan and Pakistan are no longer a secret but known to everybody. The arrest of Kulbhushan Jadhav in 2016 and his subsequent revelations about India’s involvement in acts of terrorism within Pakistan underscore the gravity of India’s covert operations in the region.

The crimes of India do not end here.  Over the years, there are incidences reported also by the Indian media about the involvement of Indian nationals in the sale of uranium. The surprising factor is that the Indian leaders are escaping accountability for all their acts. We believe if any Muslim country were under suspicion for similar crimes, it would have likely faced severe sanctions by now. The selective approach to holding nations accountable based on geopolitical interests instead of universal principles undermines the credibility of the international community’s commitment to justice and equality. It highlights the urgent need for a more balanced and impartial approach to global governance, one that upholds the same standards for all nations, irrespective of their political affiliations or regional alliances. Otherwise, butchers of Gujarat enjoying impunity will continue to play with the lives of people and put the security of other countries at stake.

It is also crucial for countries in the Arab world to be careful while developing relations with India. They need to be cautious, especially when working together on defense and security matters, because a friend might actually turn out to be an enemy in disguise.

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