Pakistan Slams USA for Religious Freedom Violator Listing

Thu Dec 08 2022
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s foreign ministry spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch has criticized the US State Department’s listing of the South Asian country last week as a “special concern” regarding religious freedoms.

Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch expressed disappointment over the US move in her weekly briefing, calling it a “unilateral and arbitrary position”.

Washington grouped Pakistan with 11 other countries – including China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and North Korea – as states “engaging in or tolerating particularly serious violations of faith based freedom”. This announcement was made by US Secretary of State Anthony BlInken.

Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson described the label as “irrelevant to the facts on the ground”.

Religious 11

Violations of religious minorities by India ignored

The ministry spokesman also expressed concern that India, which Islamabad says is notorious for violating the faith based freedoms of minorities, is not on the list.

The spokesperson said that Pakistan is a multi-religious and pluralistic society with a rich tradition of inter-faith harmony, religious freedom and protection of minority rights are guaranteed under the country’s constitution.

The spokesperson further said that Islamabad has informed Washington about its reservations on the nomination.

Although it was previously included in the same list, last year Pakistan was not designated as a country of particular concern on religious issues for the first time.

Law on blasphemy usually draws US listing

Pakistan usually makes the list on the grounds that it has failed to reform the country’s controversial blasphemy laws.

A mere rumor of insulting Islam can incite mobs and lead to lynchings in Pakistan.

The United States specifically recognizes systematic, ongoing, serious violations of religious freedom, including torture, prolonged detention without charge, enforced disappearances, and other violations. The listing is reviewed annually.

In recent years, Islamic extremists have repeatedly attacked religious minorities in Pakistan, including Shias and Christians. Members of the Ahmadi sect face severe discrimination and are subject to restrictions due to a 1984 law that prohibits them from posing as Muslims.

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