Renowned Investment Companies’ Delegation Discuss Economic Problems with Ishaq Dar

Fri May 05 2023
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ISLAMABAD: A delegation comprising representatives of world-renowned investment companies led by Imran Zaidi of JP Morgan Dubai on Friday met Minister for Finance Minister Ishaq Dar and discussed the current situation of the country’s economy, its problems, and solutions.

A press release issued by the Ministry of Finance, the two sides comprehensively discussed Pakistan’s economic situation, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) program, market perception and outlook, and external account situations.

The Finance Minister shared the country’s economic outlook and said that the government was steering the economic sector toward stability and growth despite the challenging economic situation. He said Pakistan was slowly but surely moving toward economic stability, and it was high time to invest in the country.

Ishaq Dar and IMF

Ishaq Dar said that as a Finance Minister, he had successfully completed the IMF program in the past and that the incumbent government was committed to completing the ongoing program and fulfilling all international obligations.

Imran Zaidi of JP Morgan briefed the finance minister on the company’s profile and its financial services to various countries. The delegation lauded the policy measures taken by the government for sustaining and boosting monetary and fiscal stability.

They expressed confidence in achieving sustainable economic growth and development. Ishaq Dar appreciated the delegation’s positive intentions for the economic development of Pakistan.

Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on Finance Tariq Bajwa, SAPM on Revenue Tariq Pasha, Secretary Finance, and other key officers from the Finance Division participated in the meeting.

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